Tuesday 26 November 2013

What is an IP Address?

       Assalamualaikum. Today we would like to share what we learn in our class with Madam Noraslinda about internet protocol address(IP address). Do you have ever heard about IP address?

       The IP address is the unique set of numbers separated by periods that identifies every device connected to the Internet. Every device connected to the Internet, whether computer, tablet, network hardware, even some TVs is assigned a unique address. Similar to how someone would need to know your address to send you a letter, a remote computer needs to know your device’s IP address to send and receive information from your computer.

          The word IP stands for Internet Protocol, the set of rules that defines how data can be transferred between computers and all devices on a network.The IP address of the sender and recipient is included in every data packet sent via the internet. In addition to identifying these two specific parties, it also identifies the Internet Service Provider (ISP) and can be used to pinpoint the geographic locations of these individuals and to link the users to their web activity.

          Every IP address is broke down into four sets of octets that break down into binary to represent the actual IP address. The below table is an example of the IP 
Binary Value11111111111111111111111111111111
Octet Value8888

        If we were to break down the IP "", you would get the below value. In the below table, the first row is the IP address, the second row is the binary values, and the third row shows how the binary value equals the section of the IP address.
         IP addresses can be either static or dynamic. Static IP addresses never change. They serve as a permanent Internet address and provide a simple and reliable way for remote computers to contact you. Static IP addresses reveal such information as the continent, country, region, and city in which a computer is located; the ISP (Internet Service Provider) that services that particular computer; and such technical information as the precise latitude and longitude of the country, as well as the locale, of the computer. Many websites provide IP address look-up services to their visitors, free of charge. If you're curious about your own IP address, you can check out this link to find out your IP address :)
        Finally, to know more about IP address you can refer to this video. May all of us gets benefits from today post. ^_^



Assalamualaikum w.b.t

Today we have learn about XML. What is XML? XML stand for Extensible Markup Language. XML is a markup language that defines a set of rules for encoding documents in a format that is both human-readable. XML is a markup language like HTML that we have learn before. However, XML was designed to transport and store data, while HTML was designed to display data. In addition, XML tags are not predefined. We must define our own tags.

XML is not a replacement for HTML. XML and HTML were designed with different goals:
Designed to transport and store data, with focus on what data isDesigned to display data, with focus on how data looks
In short, XML is a software-and-hardware-independent tool for carrying information. 

This is the example coding in XML:

The first arrow show us the codes that we have to remember if we want to do XML coding.
The second arrow show us how we want to open and do the next coding, while the last arrow show us how we want to close the coding, just by add / next to <.

To learn more about XML, you may refer this website: XML

Here, we provide a video tutorial about XML: 


Thursday 21 November 2013

A New Thing to Learn!! HTML~

Assalamulaikum and hye to everbody. Today we would like to share what we learn today in our class with Mdm Linda. It's interesting lecture about html. Html code is needed to create a website. We learn how to create html code and it's like 'wow' when a web appear like magic based on our code. We learn how to insert link, insert image and create table.

      First and fore most, Mdm Linda taught us on how to create an intro of html by using notepad. Just write this:

Then we need to save this file as intro.txt and intro.html

#Remark: If you save as intro.txt, then when you click the file, this code will be appear as text in the notepad.
                   If you save as intro.html, then when you click the file, the code will be execute and then will open automatically using browser.

 After that, we learn how to add link in the html code. Let's look at this!
save as link.txt and link.html

If you noticed, in the fourth line. We paste the link in between the apostrophe <a href="..."> then we wrote the sentence that will appear in the website. If we click the link, we will automatically connected to the website.
Click the link

The website will be appear just by one click!

It's easy right? ^_^

Then, we were taught how to create a list by html coding.
The red sign refer to <ul which means unordered list, while blue sign refer to <ol which means ordered list.

An ordered listAn unordered list
1. The first list item- List item
2. The second list item- List item
3. The third list item- List item

That's the result!

Next we learn about how to attach image using html coding. First we need to save the image that we want to attached as smiley.gif and hankanm110.gif  as higlighted below. For the image, you can also insert a moving image. Interesting right?? Moreover, you can adjust the size of the image as you wish by putting number in between the apostrophe of width and height respectively as shown as below.

Here is the outcome!
Actually when the code executed, you can see the second picture is moving

          Lastly we learn how to create a table using html code. There are two types of table which are         without cellpadding and with cellpadding. Cellpadding means is the white space between the cell
content and its borders. Tables are defined with the <table> tag.
           A table is divided into rows (with the <tr> tag), and each row is divided into data cells (with the             <td> tag). td stands for "table data," and holds the content of a data cell. A <td> tag can contain
 text, links, images, lists, forms, other tables, etc.

without cellpadding

with cellpadding

Here is the result!! 

            Here we provide some videos on how to learn html in 12 minutes! It's simple and easy. 
Let's take a    look :)



We just taught you some of the basic of html, if you want to know more about html you can click the links we provided below. It teaches you more than us! :)

Please do visit! 

Other website that provide html tutorial for three levels; beginner, intermediate and advanced 

As conclusion, we have learn about:

Monday 11 November 2013



Assalamualaikum w.b.t.

We would like to share with you today about maple software that we already learn before with Bro Aziz. 

Do you know about Maple Software? 

           Maple is a very powerful interactive computer algebra system. It is used by students, educators, mathematicians, statisticians, scientists, and engineers for doing numerical and symbolic computation. Maple has many strengths, one of them is it can do exact integer computation.It also can do numerical computation to almost number of specified digits and symbolic computation. Besides, it comes with many built-in functions and packages for doing a wide variety of mathematical tasks and  it has facilities for doing two- and three-dimensional plotting and animation. Moreover, it has a worksheet-based interface and facilities for making technical documents. As a whole, maple is a simple programming language, which means that users can easily write their own functions and packages.

For us, as the mathematical students maple software is like a our 'saver' to solve and to understand more about mathematics subject. Maple helps us to solve many difficult questions, equations and plot graph. To know more about maple software, you may refer to link we provided below. 

For your information, we have learn a few topics about MAPLE.  

Chapter 1, Textbook 1Introduction to the symbolic computation, computer algebra system and Maple software package.
Chapter 2, Textbook 1Definitions of expression, function and equation according to Maple syntax.
Chapter 3, Textbook 1Application of Maple in calculus; solving integration and analysis of series.
Chapter 4, Textbook 2Data structures in Maple; sequence, list, array, table and set.
Chapter 7, Textbook 2Maple programming language; writing procedures, declaring variables and understanding for loop.
Chapter 7, Textbook 2Maple programming language; argument type declaration, understanding the while loop and explicit return.

Here we provide a video tutorial about MAPLE. Enjoy it!

For further references, you may refer to this books: 

1.      Abell, M.L & Braselton, J.P. (2005) Maple by Example, 3rd ed., Elsevier Academic Press.

2.      Garvan, F. (2002) The Maple Book, Chapman & Hall/CRC.

Our last day with Bro Aziz

At first, we have difficulity to understand what is MAPLE is all about but don't worry, as long as you read the books, do the exercises and ask your lecturer, with Allah's will you will understand and know more about MAPLE.